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Study of Effect of Inhomogeneous Distribution of Cooperative Up-Conversion Coefficient on the Optical Amplification Process in Si-Nc and Er Doped Optical Fiber
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 4, 139-155, 2008
Effects of different optical losses (auger recombination, cooperative up-conversion, excited state absorption (ESA) and Si- Nc induced loss) on amplification parameters including net gain and population inversion in Si-Nc Er doped fibber are studied. Optical loss due to up-conversion effect has critical role in the mentioned optical amplifiers. Simple modeling of this effect can be done by 2CupN22, where Cup and N2 are up-conversion coefficient and population of level 2 respectively. In traditional considered cases Cup are assumed to be constant, but in practical situation this is hard to be realized. In practice distribution of Er ions is inhomogeneous and especially the Gaussian. So, from our point of view the suitable model should consider position dependence up-conversion coefficient. In this paper we considered this subject and by simulation modeling tries to show effect of inhomogeneous distribution of up-conversion coefficient on optical net gain and population inversion. It is shown that life times of first and second excited states are decreased and so the population inversion is decreased too. Thus optical net gain near to center of the Gaussian distribution is deceased strongly. The observed gain lowering is suitable description of the reported experimental results. Also, it is observed that in high level Si-Nc density the obtained optical gain is decreased against traditional description which Cup is assumed to be constant. The core diameter is considered R = 10μm.
Ahmad SalmanOgli, and Ali Rostami, "Study of Effect of Inhomogeneous Distribution of Cooperative Up-Conversion Coefficient on the Optical Amplification Process in Si-Nc and Er Doped Optical Fiber," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 4, 139-155, 2008.

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