Vol. 17
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Performance Comparison of Pyramidal Horns Loaded with Metal Baffle OR with Metamaterial
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 17, 131-144, 2010
Two recent methods that have been reported in the literature to improve the performance of pyramidal horns are metal baffle loading and the use of epsilon-near-zero metamaterial. In this paper, a comparative study of the two methods is undertaken for the case of Ku- and X-band horns. In addition to the simulation study, a C-band metal baffle loaded horn was fabricated and rigorously characterized. It emerges from the study that E-plane metal baffle loading improves the radiation characteristics of the horn much better than the loading by metamaterial. Furthermore, the baffle loading nearly retains the construction simplicity, weight and cost of the normal pyramidal horn.
Chin Yeng Tan, Krishnasamy Selvan, and V. Venkatesan, "Performance Comparison of Pyramidal Horns Loaded with Metal Baffle OR with Metamaterial," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 17, 131-144, 2010.

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