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A Compact CPW-Fed UWB Slot Antenna with Cross Tuning Stub
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 13, 159-170, 2010
Design and analysis of a compact coplanar waveguide (CPW) fed Ultra Wideband (UWB) slot antenna is presented in this paper. The antenna consists of a rectangular slot with cross like structure at the anterior portion of the feed which acts as tuning stub. The CPW feed is designed for 50 ­Ω impedance. The physical dimension of the proposed antenna is 19 mm (length)×20 mm (width)×1.6 mm (thickness), and the electrical size is 0.3 λl (length)×0.32 λl (width)(fl=4.8 GHz). The characteristics of the designed structure are investigated by using MoM based electromagnetic solver, IE3D. An extensive analysis of the proposed antenna in the frequency and time domains are presented. The antenna was fabricated with FR4 substrate and characterized by measuring returnloss, radiation pattern (5.5 GHz) and gain. The measured results are appreciably in good agreement with the simulated ones. A better impedance bandwidth is obtained from 4.8 GHz to 12.8 GHz that constitutes a fractional bandwidth of 90% with return loss less than or equal to -10 dB (VSWR < 2). Time domain analysis of the antenna is also performed, which witnessed the linear phase and less distortion. The simple configuration and low profile nature of the proposed antenna leads to easy fabrication that may be built for any wireless UWB device applications.
Johnson William, and Rangaswamy Nakkeeran, "A Compact CPW-Fed UWB Slot Antenna with Cross Tuning Stub," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 13, 159-170, 2010.

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