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Optimal Impedance Matching for Capacity Maximization of MIMO Systems with Coupled Antennas and Noisy Amplilfiers
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 15, 23-36, 2010
The impedance matching problem in the presence of signal and noise coupling in compact MIMO arrays is addressed. By maximizing an upper bound of the ergodic capacity for an N×N MIMO system with signal and noise coupling at the receiver in high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) scheme, a set of equations is formulated to find the optimal matching circuit. A closed-form result for the optimum matching circuit is given. For two-element arrays, we show numerically that significant performance improvement can be achieved by introducing the optimal matching.
Wen-Fong Tsen, and Hsueh-Jyh Li, "Optimal Impedance Matching for Capacity Maximization of MIMO Systems with Coupled Antennas and Noisy Amplilfiers," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 15, 23-36, 2010.

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