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A Novel 5.8 GHz High Gain Array Dielectric Resonator Antenna
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 15, 201-210, 2010
In this paper, a novel nine elements array dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) is presented. The DRA was excited by a microstrip feeder with a rectangular aperture coupled slots. The slot positions were determined based on the characteristic of standing wave ratio over a short ended microstrip. The measured gain of the array DRA operating at 5.84 GHz was about 10 dBi having impedance bandwidth of 60 MHz. The proposed DRA exhibits an enhancement of the gain in comparison with a single pellet DRA. The size of the whole antenna structure is about 60 mm × 40 mm and potentially can be used in wireless systems.
Mohd Fadzil Ain, Yazeed Mohammad A. Qasaymeh, Zainal Arrifin Ahmad, Mohammad Azman Zakariya, Mohamad Ariff Othman, Ahmad Asari Sulaiman, Ali Othman, Sabar D. Hutagalung, and Mohd Zaid Abdullah, "A Novel 5.8 GHz High Gain Array Dielectric Resonator Antenna," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 15, 201-210, 2010.

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