Vol. 15
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A Reflectarray Antenna Backed on FSS for Low RCS and High Radiation Performances
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 15, 145-155, 2010
This paper investigates the application of frequency-selective surface (FSS) in reflectarray antennas for the purpose of reducing radar cross section (RCS) level. Different from previous reports, the presented band-stop FSS structure is also characterized by the suppression of surface waves, which makes a contribution to better radiation performance. Two 14 x 14 reflectarray antennas backed on the FSS ground and a solid ground are designed and fabricated. Simulated and measured results show that the FSS ground can improve the `in- band' gain by 1.1 dB, decrease the sidelobe level by 6.4 dB, and reduce the `out-of-band' RCS effectively when compared with the antenna with a solid ground plane of the same size.
Hua Li, Bing-Zhong Wang, Gang Zheng, Wei Shao, and Lin Guo, "A Reflectarray Antenna Backed on FSS for Low RCS and High Radiation Performances," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 15, 145-155, 2010.

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