Vol. 23
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A Methodology to Study the Electromagnetic Behavior of a Cryogenic Metallic System Used to Control the Ratchet Effect
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 23, 123-137, 2012
We introduce an electromagnetic investigation of the complex experimental setup used in studying the Ratchet Effect at low We introduce an electromagnetic investigation of the complex experimental setup used in studying the Ratchet Effect at low temperature. This investigation, based on intensive electromagnetic simulations, shows that a compromise has to be taken into consideration between the physical aspects, the technological and the practical restrictions as well as the electromagnetic conditions of the observed phenomenon. By improving the electromagnetic response of the whole system, the Ratchet induced photovoltage can be increased, and hence the Ratchet device can be used for practical applications in wireless communications.
Dina Medhat, Alexandru Takacs, and Herve Aubert, "A Methodology to Study the Electromagnetic Behavior of a Cryogenic Metallic System Used to Control the Ratchet Effect," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 23, 123-137, 2012.

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