Vol. 23
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Electric and Magnetic Field Problems with Periodic Circular Cylindrical Symmetry and Their Connection with a Novel Geometrical Interpretation of the Algebraic Operation an±Bn
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 23, 249-262, 2012
This paper deals with the evaluation of the electric and magnetic field generated by a set of N periodically distributed filamentary conductors, in a circular arrangement. The results obtained lead to the computation of a continuous product of distances. In close connection with the computation of such a continuous product, the general problem of the factorization of a sum or difference of two powers, aN±bN, where a and b are positive real numbers and N a positive integer, is addressed.
Jose Antonio Marinho Brandao Faria, "Electric and Magnetic Field Problems with Periodic Circular Cylindrical Symmetry and Their Connection with a Novel Geometrical Interpretation of the Algebraic Operation an±Bn," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 23, 249-262, 2012.

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