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Self-Collimation Effect in Two-Dimentional Photonic Crystal Based on Optofludic Technology
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 25, 255-268, 2012
We propose an optofluidic based on two-dimensional (2D) rod-type silicon photonic crystal (PhC) waveguide that supports self-collimation effect over a large frequency and angle range without any defect or nano-scale variation in the PhC geometry. By analyzing the equi-frequency counter (EFC) of a triangular rod PhC-bands, we verify the optimum band of the structure which is suitable for self-collimation of light beams. By varying the refractive index of fluid being infiltrated into the background of PhC, we perform a systematic study of optofluidic self-collimation of light beams to achieve a wide range of angles and low loss of light. By means of selective microfluidic infiltration and remarkable dispersion properties, we show that it is possible to design auto-collimatator and negative refraction devices based on self-collimation effect with high transmission. We use the plane wave method (PWM) for analyzing the EFC and the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method for simulating the transmission properties.
Majid Ebnali-Heidari, Farnaz Forootan, and Akbar Ebnali-Heidari, "Self-Collimation Effect in Two-Dimentional Photonic Crystal Based on Optofludic Technology," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 25, 255-268, 2012.

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