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Analysis of Band-Notched UWB Printed Monopole Antennas Using a Novel Segmented Structure
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 34, 13-27, 2013
A novel segmented structure is proposed as a versatile approach to reject certain band of UWB printed monopole antennas (PMAs). To validate the effectiveness of the proposed structure, three UWB PMAs with typical circular, beveled rectangular and regular hexagonal patch shapes are selected and investigated. Good agreement between simulation and measurement shows that, by segmenting every selected patch into three parts, intensive coupling occurs between the center patch and the side patches at the target frequency, and consequently the band-notched function in IEEE 802.11a WLAN band is obtained. The measured radiation properties of these antennas are also presented and discussed. Moreover, a pair of equivalent lumped circuit models is presented, which provides a physical correlation between the notch band behaviors and the control parameters. The input impedance of the antennas calculated by the equivalent circuit models agree very well with the HFSS simulated results.
Ke Zhang, Tao Wang, and Lianglun Cheng, "Analysis of Band-Notched UWB Printed Monopole Antennas Using a Novel Segmented Structure," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 34, 13-27, 2013.

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