Vol. 29
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On the Rotationally-Cylindrical Model of the Human Body Exposed to ELF Electric Field
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 29, 165-179, 2013
The paper presents an assessment of human exposure to extremely-low-frequency (ELF) electric field generated by a power line using the rotationally-cylindrical body model. The formulation is based on the Laplace type continuity equation. The induced current density in the three-dimensional (3D) model human body is obtained by solving the Laplace equation via the Finite element method (FEM). The main objective is to highlight some parameters influencing the distribution of the induced current density, such as the ohmic contact between the feet and the soil due to the soles of the shoes, and the electrical parameters of the soil. Furthermore, the influence of internal organs (the human model) to the induced current density distribution. The human body is represented by a homogeneous model and also by an inhomogeneous model composed of several organs namely brain, heart, lungs, liver and intestines, whose shapes were spheroid. The proposed model has been validated through comparison to either the experimental results or the theoretical results available in literature being computed by the aid of a homogeneous body model.
Abdelmalek Laissaoui, Bachir Nekhoul, Kamal Kerroum, Khalil El Khamlichi Drissi, and Dragan Poljak, "On the Rotationally-Cylindrical Model of the Human Body Exposed to ELF Electric Field," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 29, 165-179, 2013.

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