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Band-Notched UWB Monopole Antenna Design with Novel Feed for Taper Rectangular Radiating Patch
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 47, 147-155, 2014
In this paper, a novel dual notch bands Ultra Wide-Band (UWB) antenna for WLAN and WiMAX applications is presented. The antenna contains a taper rectangular monopole antenna with new feed line which is designed and modified for 2-12 GHz. To achieve notch band at WLAN frequencies, different methods are compared, such as L-shape slots for one notch or dual rings in notch designing. On the other hand, the novel F-shape feed line is designed to achieve dual notch band characteristic. The effects of stubs parameters at notch frequencies are presented. The benefit of this novel feed line is designing multi-band and reconfigurable antenna by changing stub line parameters. The simulated results of prototype antenna are obtained with HFSS and CST. Total size of the antenna is 60 mm×60 mm×1.6 mm. It is fabricated on FR-4 low cost substrate and fed by 50 Ω microstrip line.
Maryam Rahimi, Ramazanali Sadeghzadeh, Ferdows B. Zarrabi, and Zahra Mansouri, "Band-Notched UWB Monopole Antenna Design with Novel Feed for Taper Rectangular Radiating Patch," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 47, 147-155, 2014.

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