Vol. 36
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Nonparametric Rotational Motion Compensation Technique for High-Resolution ISAR Imaging via Golden Section Search
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 36, 67-76, 2014
A novel rotational motion compensation algorithm for high-resolution inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging based on golden section search (GSS) method is presented. This paper focuses on the migration through cross-range resolution cells (MTCRRC) compensation, which requires rotation angle and center as priori information. The method is nonparametric and uses entropy criterion to estimate rotation angle and rotation center, which are used for rotational motion compensation. Experimental results show that the rotational motion in ISAR imaging can be effectively compensated. Moreover, the proposed method is robust and computationally more efficient compared to the parametric methods.
Yang Liu, Jiangwei Zou, Shi You Xu, and Zeng Ping Chen, "Nonparametric Rotational Motion Compensation Technique for High-Resolution ISAR Imaging via Golden Section Search," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 36, 67-76, 2014.

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