Vol. 50
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A Millimeter-Wave Wideband High-Gain Antenna Based on the Fabry-Perot Resonator Antenna Concept
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 50, 103-111, 2014
A compact millimeter-wave (MMW) wideband high-gain antenna is proposed and implemented. The development is based on the design principle of wideband Fabry-Perot resonator antennas (FPRAs). The antenna consists of three dielectric slabs and a PEC ground, and it is fed by a rectangular waveguide. All slabs are used to form the superstrate that exhibits the increasing reflection phase at the designed frequency band. Size reduction of the superstrate is carried out to enhance the bandwidth of the antenna. The effect of ground size and resonant frequency shift due to size reduction of the superstrate were studied. A wide bandwidth of over 30% was finally obtained, and measurements of the fabricated prototype validate the theory and simulation results.
Yuehe Ge, and Can Wang, "A Millimeter-Wave Wideband High-Gain Antenna Based on the Fabry-Perot Resonator Antenna Concept," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 50, 103-111, 2014.

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