Vol. 50
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A Compact Printed Dipole Antenna for Wideband Wireless Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 50, 95-102, 2014
A compact printed dipole antenna with wide impedance bandwidth is proposed in this paper. This antenna consists of a pair of radiation metal arms and a microstrip-to-slotline transition structure. At the end of the feeding slotted line, a beveled slot with stepped connection structure is designed to realize an offset feeding structure for feeding the dipole antenna. By using the beveled offset feeding structure, the bandwidth of the dipole antenna is significantly improved. The microstrip-to-slotline transition is used as an integrated balun to realize a balanced feeding for the dipole antenna. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design, a prototype of the designed antenna is fabricated and measured. The measured results show that the designed dipole antenna achieves a gain of 2.2-4.4 dBi across a wide impedance bandwidth from 2.65 GHz to 17.5 GHz with a compact size (33 mm×16 mm). The performance of the proposed dipole antenna is also compared with some similar printed dipole antennas with respect to overall size, substrate dielectric constant, impedance bandwidth and antenna gain.
Jiangniu Wu, Zhiqin Zhao, Zai-Ping Nie, and Qing Huo Liu, "A Compact Printed Dipole Antenna for Wideband Wireless Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 50, 95-102, 2014.

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