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Vol. 54
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Compact Ultrawideband (UWB) Slot Antenna with Wideband and High Isolation for MIMO Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 54, 9-16, 2014
A compact ultrawideband (UWB) multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) antenna with a small size of 22×36 mm2 is proposed for portable devices. The MIMO antenna consists of two symmetric slot antenna elements with back-to-back separation of 7 mm. Adjusting the open-ended stepped radiator and position of the microstrip line can realize UWB impedance matching. In order to achieve wideband and high isolation, a cross-shaped decoupling slot and connecting metal line are etched on the ground plane. The cross-shaped slot between the antenna elements is used to decrease the mutual coupling caused by near-field at middle and high bands. The connecting line can be interpreted as a neutralized line, which produces an additional current path for the coupling ground currents. Measured S-parameters show that the isolation is better than -16 dB across the UWB of 3.1-10.6 GHz. The radiation pattern, gain, and envelope correlation coefficient are also measured. The proposed antenna with a simple structure and compact size achieves good impedance matching and excellent port isolation simultaneously, and is a good candidate for UWB MIMO systems.
Yan Zhang, and Bingjian Niu, "Compact Ultrawideband (UWB) Slot Antenna with Wideband and High Isolation for MIMO Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 54, 9-16, 2014.

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