Vol. 40
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Modelling the Impact of Operating Frequencies on Path Loss and Shadowing Along Multi-Floor Stairwell for 0.7 GHz -2.5 GHz Range
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 40, 69-78, 2014
Given that building occupants and more importantly public safety personnel regularly use stairwell to move about different floors in a multi-floor building, wireless network coverage for the setting may come as necessary in order to ensure seamless telecommunication connectivity. Nevertheless, wireless network planning pertaining to multi-floor stairwell scenario requires unique radio characterization since the scenario is different from other indoor environments. This paper presents a frequency dependent path loss and shadowing model for the multi-floor stairwell environment that was developed and tested at six dog-leg style stairwells. The empirical model covers frequency spectrum from 0.7 GHz up to 2.5 GHz which envelop numerous public safety and long term evolution operating bands. The model demonstrates good precision and is shown to outperform standard path loss model when comparison was made since it includes site-specific parameters describing radio characteristics natural to stairwell setting. The straightforward mathematical expression of the model can easily be applied when setting up or studying wireless network for the stipulated frequency range with respect to the multi-floor stairwell.
Omar Abdul Aziz, and Tharek Bin Abdul Rahman, "Modelling the Impact of Operating Frequencies on Path Loss and Shadowing Along Multi-Floor Stairwell for 0.7 GHz -2.5 GHz Range," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 40, 69-78, 2014.

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