Vol. 45
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Polarizability Tensor Calculation Using Induced Charge and Current Distributions
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 45, 123-130, 2016
We develop a semi-analytical approach to calculate the polarizability tensors of an arbitrary scatterer. The approach is based on numerical integration from induced charges and currents on the scatterer. By taking the advantages of the present approach, we calculate the polarizability tensors of any arbitrary scatterer in a homogeneous isotropic medium. This approach, in comparison to other reported approaches, is simple, easily implemented, and does not require spherical harmonic expansion or complicated far- eld calculations. We examine the validity of the approach using several examples and compare the results with other approaches.
Mohammad Yazdi, and Nader Komjani, "Polarizability Tensor Calculation Using Induced Charge and Current Distributions," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 45, 123-130, 2016.

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