Vol. 60
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A Miniaturized Lotus Shaped Microstrip Antenna Loaded with EBG Structures for High Gain-Bandwidth Product Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 60, 157-167, 2015
In this paper, the design of a printed circuit antenna based on lotus flower patch of a miniaturized profile is proposed. The antenna consists of three layers including a patch and a ground plane of a thin copper layer separated by a Roger RT/duroid®5880 substrate for high gain-bandwidth product applications including the portable biomedical devices. The patch structure is patterned with triangular defects to provide a fractal structure. Nevertheless, the ground plane is defected with Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) structures. The antenna is found to show a first resonant mode around 3 GHz, while the other frequency modes are obtained around 4.2 GHz and 6 GHz which are below -10 dB. Moreover, the antenna operates over the frequency range from 7.8 GHz up to 15 GHz with a bore-sight gain varing from 4 dBi up to 6 dBi when operates in free-space environments. The antenna size is reduced to a 32 mm×28 mm×0.5 mm using shorting plates on the substrate edges. The antenna performance characteristics are examined using CST and HFSS commercial software packages, which are based on the Finite Integration Technique (FIT) and the Finite Element Method (FEM), respectively. Finally, the antenna performance is tested experimentally for both S11 spectrum and radiation patterns to show an excellent matching with the obtained numerical results.
Taha Ahmed Elwi, Ahmed Imad Imran, and Yahiea Alnaiemy, "A Miniaturized Lotus Shaped Microstrip Antenna Loaded with EBG Structures for High Gain-Bandwidth Product Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 60, 157-167, 2015.

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