Vol. 64
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A Miniaturized 90° Schiffman Phase Shifter with Open-Circuited Trans-Directional Coupled Lines
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 64, 33-41, 2016
A symmetrical open-circuited λ/4 trans-directional (TRD) coupled line is proposed to replace the 3λ/4 reference line of an existing 90° Schiffman phase shifter for miniaturization. The coupling factor of the TRD coupled line can be used to control input matching and phase ripple, which adds an additional optimization variable to the design of a Schiffman phase shifter. There are two transmission zeros near the operational frequency band, which can be used to suppress adjacent frequency interferences and accompanies two phase leaps so that the realizable bandwidth is about 28~42%. Simulated and measured results are given to verify the proposed method.
Yuan Cao, Zhongbao Wang, Shao-Jun Fang, and Yuan'an Liu, "A Miniaturized 90° Schiffman Phase Shifter with Open-Circuited Trans-Directional Coupled Lines," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 64, 33-41, 2016.

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