Vol. 64
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Design of Multi-Beam Rhombus Fractal Array Antenna Using New Geometric Design Methodology
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 64, 151-158, 2016
Fractal array antenna design methodology is an artistic type of design methodology. Hence fractal array antennas are also called as artistic array antennas. This article proposed a concentric elliptical ring sub array generator geometric design methodology for a methodical expansion of multi-beam fractal array antennas. Using this new geometric design methodology any polygon shape can be constructed. This geometric design methodology provides a systematic approach for multiple beams of fractal array antennas, with unit amplitude constriction, using multi-beam sub arrays and without any increase in hardware complication. In this paper, a four element rhombus fractal array antenna examined using a proposed design methodology up to four concurrent iterations and for different eccentric values. Due to the recursive nature of the proposed methodology, the rhombus fractal array antenna shows multi-beam performance with abatement of beam width and better side lobe level. In the third and fourth iterations of rhombus fractal array for expansion factor two, beam width reached to single digit values of 7.2˚, 3.6˚ with side lobe level angles of 15.5˚ and 8.1˚ respectively. The behavior of the proposed array shows better performance than four element fractal array antenna generated by concentric circular sub array generator. Proposed fractal array antennas are analyzed and simulated by MATLAB programming.
Venkata Aditya Sankar Ponnapalli, and Pappu Vankata Yasoda Jayasree, "Design of Multi-Beam Rhombus Fractal Array Antenna Using New Geometric Design Methodology," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 64, 151-158, 2016.

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