Vol. 64
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A k -Band Flat Transmitarray Antenna with a Planar Microstrip Slot-Fed Patch Antenna Feeder
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 64, 97-104, 2016
A thin phase-correcting element that consists of four identical metallic and three identical dielectric layers is presented for the design of microwave and millimeter-wave transmitarrays. The metallic layers consist of the octagon conducting strip, which are tuned to obtain the desired phase compensation on an incident wave, while maintaining a high amplitude of transmission coefficient. A transmitarray is designed at K band using the element. Fed by a standard horn and three planar slot-fed patch antennas with different beamwidths alternately, the wave-focusing performance of the transmitarray was demonstrated by simulations and experiments.
Lv-Wei Chen, and Yuehe Ge, "A k -Band Flat Transmitarray Antenna with a Planar Microstrip Slot-Fed Patch Antenna Feeder," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 64, 97-104, 2016.

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