Vol. 67
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Compact High Isolation Meandered-Line PIFA Antenna for LTE (Band-Class-13) Handset Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 67, 153-164, 2016
MIMO systems have become an essential part in many communications networks and Long Term Evolution (4G) mobile communication systems. Mobile handsets using lower band of LTE (LTE-700 band) require antennas of reduced size that can be adapted to the limited space in the handset. This paper presents the design, optimization and implementation of two meandered-line PIFA antennas working as an MIMO system with high isolation for LTE-700 band mobile applications. To solve the problem of mutual coupling, a combination of decoupling arrangements was used to improve the isolation between the two antennas. The influences of various design parameters are investigated using the CST Microwave Studio Suite. A prototype of the proposed Meandered-line PIFA Antenna was fabricated and tested using vector network analyzer. Good agreement was found between the simulated and measured results. The fabricated MIMO antenna shows an isolation better than 12 dB and a -6 dB bandwidth of (75 MHz) in the frequency range from (720 MHz) to (795MHz). The antenna has 1.94 dB gain, total efficiency of 85%, and volume of 110 x 65 x 1.6 mm3, that is (0.275 x 0.1625 x 0.004) in wavelengths.
Ahmed A. Naser, Khalil Sayidmarie, and Jabir S. Aziz, "Compact High Isolation Meandered-Line PIFA Antenna for LTE (Band-Class-13) Handset Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 67, 153-164, 2016.

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