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Analysis of Post-Wall Waveguides and Circuits Using a Model of Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 56, 91-100, 2017
A semi-analytical method to analyze post-wall waveguides and circuits based on the model of two-dimensional photonic crystals formed by layered periodic arrays of circular cylinders is presented. The propagation constant of the fundamental TE mode, the attenuation constant due to the leakage loss and the effective width of an equivalent rectangular waveguide are calculated. Using the concept of the effective width, the original structure is replaced by an equivalent rectangular structure. When additional metallic posts are loaded in the rectangular waveguide, functional post-wall waveguide-based passive circuits are formed. The S-parameters of the post-wall circuits, which act as bandpass filters, are calculated using the image theory combined with the lattice sums technique.
Vakhtang Jandieri, Hiroshi Maeda, Kiyotoshi Yasumoto, and Daniel Erni, "Analysis of Post-Wall Waveguides and Circuits Using a Model of Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 56, 91-100, 2017.

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14. Yasumoto, K., H. Maeda, and V. Jandieri, "Analysis of post-wall waveguides using a model of two-dimensional photonic crystal waveguides," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC-2015), 74-79, Noida, India, April 2015.

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