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Energy-Efficient Communication in Large Scale Antenna Systems: Impact of Variable User Capacity and Number of Transmission Antennas
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 58, 205-213, 2017
Energy-efficient transmission is fast becoming a critical factor in designing future mobile broadband cellular communication systems. This research work examines the constraints with regard to the achievable throughput and energy efficiency that can be attained on the use of precoding-based massive MIMO systems, bearing in mind the effect of some key performance impacting parameters. We first introduced an absolute energy efficiency-based model to evaluate the deep-down relationship among the packet length, the Bit error rate (BER) and throughput. Then, by means of simulation with cyclic coordinated search algorithm, optimal achievable throughput and energy efficiency performance have been shown and demonstrated for variable capacity of users and number of transmission antennas. This work is expected to be of enormous importance to practical system design on the use of massive MIMO antenna technology for data throughput and energy efficiency maximization in future 5G systems.
Joseph Isabona, and Viranjay M. Srivastava, "Energy-Efficient Communication in Large Scale Antenna Systems: Impact of Variable User Capacity and Number of Transmission Antennas," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 58, 205-213, 2017.

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