Vol. 81
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A Comparative Study of Quasi-FEA Technique on Iron Losses Prediction for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 81, 101-113, 2018
The paper presents an advanced quasi-FEA technique on the iron losses prediction using Bertotti's iron loss separation models, in which a curve fitting is taken into account for coefficients calculation of each model. Moreover, the skin effect and saturation consideration are applied in order to check the accuracy through the relative error distribution in the frequency domain of each model from low up to high frequencies 50 to 700 (Hz). Additionally, this comparative study presents a torque-speed-flux density computation that is discussed and presented. The iron loss characteristics of a radial flux permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) with closed-slots and outer rotor topology are also discussed. The quasi-finite-element (FE) analysis was performed using a 2-D and 3-D FEA, where the employed quasi-2-D FEA is proposed and compared with 3-D FEA, and along with experimental verifications. Finally, all the iron-loss models under realistic and non-ideal magnetization conditions are verified experimentally on a surface-mounted PMSG for wind generation application.
Pedram Asef, Ramon Bargallo Perpina, M. R. Barzegaran, Jianning Dong, Andrew Lapthorn, and Osama A. Mohammed, "A Comparative Study of Quasi-FEA Technique on Iron Losses Prediction for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 81, 101-113, 2018.

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