Vol. 65
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An Annular-Ring Miniaturized Stopband Frequency Selective Surface with Ultra-Large Angle of Incidence
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 65, 19-27, 2018
An annular-ring element for building a miniaturized bandstop frequency selective surface (FSS) structure which possesses a superior performance with respect to electromagnetic wave polarizations and incident angles is introduced in this paper. The proposed element has prominent miniaturization characteristics with a unit dimension of 0.061λ×0.061λ, where λ represents the free-space wavelength corresponding to resonant frequency. Miniaturization of the proposed FSS element is achieved by constructing special meandered strips in geometry and arranging lumped components between the elements. The advantage of this method lies in its great simplicity in tuning the resonant frequency of FSS by adjusting values of the printed capacitors rather than rebuilding the geometry. The obtained FSS also exhibits a stable performance in terms of angle stability and polarization insensitivity. Prototypes of the proposed FSS are fabricated and measured to verify design method. Measurements are well in line with simulation results.
Kunzhe Zhang, Wen Jiang, Junyi Ren, and Shu-Xi Gong, "An Annular-Ring Miniaturized Stopband Frequency Selective Surface with Ultra-Large Angle of Incidence," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 65, 19-27, 2018.

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