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Research on the Key Issues in Power and Data Wireless Transmission of Implantable Medical Devices
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 84, 35-46, 2018
In order to solve a key issue about power and data wireless transmission of implantable medical devices, M-ary differentially-encoded amplitude and phase-shift Keying (MDAPSK) is employed to balance the frequency selective contradiction in this paper. Subsequently, bio-capacitor model and biological path loss model are introduced to improve the accuracy of conventional wireless power transmission efficiency model. Based on 16DAPSK modulation, biological channel error rate analysis model is set up. Compared with experiment data, accuracy of the model is proved. Error codes suppression and error codes correction methods are optimized, and the optimization results have been verified by experiments. Lastly, it can be found that the power and data synchronized wireless transmission scheme is feasible. This work provides a new solution and model reference for power and data wireless transmission of implantable medical devices.
Xueping Li, Yuan Yang, and Ningmei Yu, "Research on the Key Issues in Power and Data Wireless Transmission of Implantable Medical Devices," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 84, 35-46, 2018.

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