Vol. 70
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Slotted Folded Substrate Integrated Waveguide Band Pass Filter with Enhanced Bandwidth for Ku/k Band Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 70, 51-60, 2018
This paper proposes the design of wide bandpass filters for Ku and Ku/K band applications. It has wide passband with miniaturization of size using folded substrate integrated waveguide (FSIW) technique. The filter is designed by introducing a C slot and an E slot in central metallic septum of FSIW respectively. The proposed filters are fabricated and tested after optimization. The fabricated E slot filter achieved enhancement in bandwidth with dual band operating in Ku band (14.35 GHz-16.76 GHz) and K band (18.66 GHz-19.61 GHz), respectively. The measured results match quite closely with simulated ones.
Nitin Muchhal, Arnab Chakraborty, Manoj Vishwakarma, and Shweta Srivastava, "Slotted Folded Substrate Integrated Waveguide Band Pass Filter with Enhanced Bandwidth for Ku/k Band Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 70, 51-60, 2018.

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