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A Compact Notched UWB MIMO Antenna with Enhanced Performance
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 91, 39-53, 2019
This paper investigates the performance of compact triple band-notched Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) antenna for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) communication. Open-ended quarter wavelength slots are inserted on the radiators. These slots are used to obtain notch bands at WiMAX/C band, WLAN band and the X-band Satellite Communication System that ranges in 3.3-4.2 GHz, 5-6 GHz, and 7.2-8.6 GHz respectively. An I-shaped stub extends from the ground surface to minimize mutual coupling among radiating elements. Mutual coupling and Envelope Correlation Coefficient are found less than -15 dB and 0.2, respectively. The diversity characteristics like Mean Effective Gain Ratio and Total Active Reflection Coefficient are found around 1dB and less than -10.5 dB, respectively. The radiation efficiency of the radiator is more than 80% over the entire UWB frequency range. The proposed antenna is designed with the overall dimensions of 23×40×1.6 mm3.
Ekta Thakur, Naveen Jaglan, Samir Dev Gupta, and Binod Kanaujia, "A Compact Notched UWB MIMO Antenna with Enhanced Performance," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 91, 39-53, 2019.

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