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Design of Compact UWB MIMO Antenna with Enhanced Bandwidth
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 97, 83-94, 2019
A novel compact Ultra-Wideband Multiple Input Multiple Output (UWB-MIMO) antenna with enhanced bandwidth is proposed. The bandwidth of the designed antenna ranges from 1 to 30 GHz which covers L, S, C, X, Ku, K bands and some part of Ka-band. A square slot & inverse L-shaped strip is used to improve the isolation amid antenna elements. The suggested antenna achieves Mutual Coupling and Envelope Correlation Coefficient below -17 dB and 0.15 respectively. MIMO performance parameters like Mean Effective Gain is around 0 dB, and Total Active Reflection Coefficient is less than -10 dB. The Channel Capacity Loss and Effective Diversity Gain are less than 0.3 bits/s/Hz and 9.2 dB, respectively. The radiation efficiency of the designed antenna is around 80% over the complete frequency range. The overall dimensions of designed antenna are 27× 17 × 1.6 mm3.
Ekta Thakur, Naveen Jaglan, and Samir Dev Gupta, "Design of Compact UWB MIMO Antenna with Enhanced Bandwidth," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 97, 83-94, 2019.

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