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Addressing Grating Lobes in Linear Scanning Phased Arrays with Self-Nulling Elements and Optimized Amplitude Distributions
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 100, 151-161, 2021
An effective method to reduce grating lobes in linear scanning phased array antennas with large element spacing of one wavelength is presented. The proposed technique is based on employing self-nulling antenna elements by simultaneously exciting the first two modes in a circular microstrip patch antenna to partially nullify the grating lobes. More importantly, a modified amplitude tapering is optimized in the array level to facilitate the grating lobe reduction for relatively wide scan angles up to ±60°. Analytical results of a 21-element linear array are fully presented, and a -22.5 dB grating lobe reduction for up to ±60° scan angles is reported using the proposed method, followed by the results of a smaller array for validation purposes.
Zabed Iqbal, and Maria Pour, "Addressing Grating Lobes in Linear Scanning Phased Arrays with Self-Nulling Elements and Optimized Amplitude Distributions," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 100, 151-161, 2021.

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