Vol. 103
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Channel Propagation Characteristics for the Communications Inside Tower Structure Buildings
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 103, 71-80, 2021
Steel-tower structure buildings are different from traditional buildings and lack of effective channel models. A ray-based channel model suitable for severe multipath effects is proposed in this paper. The calculation method of channel parameters is introduced in detail, and the statistical characteristics at different frequencies are also analyzed based on the ray tracing (RT) method. We compare the RT-based channel data at 800 MHz, 2.4 GHz, 6 GHz, and 28 GHz with different positions of transceivers, and obtain the corresponding characteristics of channel parameters. According to the probability density distribution of each parameter, it is shown that the angle offset, delay, and power attenuation can be well fitted by Laplace distribution, Gaussian distribution, and exponential distribution, respectively. On this basis, the power delay profile at different positions is analyzed. These results can be used to optimize the deployment of sensor networks and evaluate the performance of communication systems inside the tower structure buildings.
Lugao Yin, Wenping Xie, Hao Huang, Xiaomin Chen, and Sheng Fang, "Channel Propagation Characteristics for the Communications Inside Tower Structure Buildings," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 103, 71-80, 2021.

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