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A Super Wideband CPW-Fed Elliptical Slot Monopole Antenna for Wireless Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 130, 139-154, 2023
This article presents a coplanar waveguide (CPW)-fed super wideband (SWB) elliptical slot monopole (ESM) antenna for wireless applications. The SWB impedance bandwidth (IBW) is achieved by symmetrical excitation of defective ground plane with a dodecagon-shaped annular ring (DSAR) radiator. The dimension of a prototype proposed antenna is 0.239λl × 0.253λl × 0.004λl mm3l corresponding to the wavelength for the lowest operational frequency). A high bandwidth ratio of approximately 16.34:1 is produced by the combined radiation, with observed -10 dB IBW from 1.613 to 26.357 GHz (176.93%). Despite the cross-polarization levels being significantly suppressed in the H-plane, the basic concepts of an SWB antenna design have been successfully presented. Additionally, compared to other antennas mentioned in the literature, the proposed ESM antenna has a wider IBW. Successful fabrication, implementation, and comparison of the prototype with the experimental results are presented in this article.
Budhadeb Maity, and Sisir Kumar Nayak, "A Super Wideband CPW-Fed Elliptical Slot Monopole Antenna for Wireless Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 130, 139-154, 2023.

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