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Design and Optimization of Quasi-Constant Coupling Coefficients for Superimposed Dislocation Coil Structures for Dynamic Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 116, 23-38, 2023
In the dynamic wireless charging system of electric vehicles, the misalignment between transmitting and receiving coils will cause drastic changes in the coupling coefficient, which will lead to system instability. A dynamic and static wireless power transfer system superimposed dislocation coil (SDC) structure is proposed in this paper. This structure ensures a constant coupling coefficient between the transmitting and receiving coils of the dynamic and static wireless power transfer system for electric vehicles. Firstly, the variation law of the coupling coefficient of the SDC structure is analyzed. Secondly, a quasi-constant coupling coefficient optimization method is proposed based on the SDC structure to obtain the coil parameters that meet the requirements. Finally, according to the optimization results, an experimental platform for wireless power transfer based on the SDC structure is built. The experimental results show that the maximum fluctuation rate of the inter-coil coupling coefficient is only 3.12% when the misalignment between the transmitting coil and the receiving coil is within half of the outer length of the transmitting coil. Thus, the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed structure and method are verified.
Zhongqi Li, Xinbo Xiong, Liquan Ren, Pengsheng Kong, Yang Zhang, and Junjun Li, "Design and Optimization of Quasi-Constant Coupling Coefficients for Superimposed Dislocation Coil Structures for Dynamic Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 116, 23-38, 2023.

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