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Structure of the Field Behind a Dielectric Circular Cylinder in the Lit Side of the Transition Region
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 116, 103-118, 2023
Prediction in the transition region between lit and shadowed regions is important for maintaining stable mobile communication for the beyond 5th generation. In this paper, as the difference between the reflection and diffraction from a dielectric circular cylinder and an absorber screen, respectively, a novel additional term is derived by a uniform theory of diffraction (UTD) in the lit side of the transition region. The proposed model is validated by the UTD and exact solutions of a dielectric circular cylinder. Through the proposal, we can separate the contribution of the shadowed Fresnel zone (FZ) number and boundary conditions (i.e., the surface impedance and the polarization) to the total field. The frequency characteristics of the shadowed FZ and boundary conditions are theoretically analyzed. The analyzed results show that the contributions of the boundary conditions are weaker than the shadowed FZ in the lit region at a high frequency.
Xin Du, and Jun-Ichi Takada, "Structure of the Field Behind a Dielectric Circular Cylinder in the Lit Side of the Transition Region," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 116, 103-118, 2023.

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