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Dual-Band 4×4 Hexagonal SRR MIMO Antenna with Port Excitation-Controlled Gain and Directivity for WLAN/WiMAX Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 135, 55-67, 2023
This paper presents the total gain and directivity control with port excitation in a 4×4 hexagonal split-ring resonator (H-SRR) MIMO antenna for dual-band operation in 2.4/5.2 GHz bands. The MIMO antenna is shown more than 15 dB isolation between antenna elements placed orthogonally, and a spacing was introduced between them to achieve higher isolation in the first proposed design, then, a Z-shaped structure of specific dimensions was inserted to further improve the isolation between antenna elements. The simulated and measured return losses and transmission coefficients confirmed the improved performances for impedance bandwidth and isolation. The gain, axial ratio, and radiation pattern performances of the 4×4 H-SRR MIMO antenna are studied by exciting different port combinations of the four ports of the proposed antenna. A wide range of gain and axial ratio variations are observed on exciting single, dual, triple, and quad-ports of the proposed MIMO antenna and discussed using the radiation patterns. Also, various MIMO parameters, ECC < 0.04, TARC < -10 dB, MEG < -6 dB, DG < 10 dB, and CCL < 0.4 bits per second per Hz, are found in the 2.4/5.2 GHz bands, which confirms the applicability of proposed H-SRR MIMO antenna with polarization diversity.
Puneet Sehgal, and Kamlesh Patel, "Dual-Band 4×4 Hexagonal SRR MIMO Antenna with Port Excitation-Controlled Gain and Directivity for WLAN/WiMAX Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 135, 55-67, 2023.

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