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Moving Metallic Slab Illuminated by a Plane Wave: Theory and Numerical Analysis Using the Finite Difference Time Domain Method
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 118, 25-35, 2023
The response of a uniformly moving metallic slab to an electromagnetic plane wave, at normal incidence, is studied. The analysis is based on the application of boundary conditions to Maxwell's equations as a function of time. The Doppler effect and amplitude of the obtained reflected wave agree with the literature. Moreover, a transferred wave which has not been analyzed in the literature is demonstrated. The frequency shift and the amplitude of this wave are studied analytically with the same technique used for the reflected wave. The transfer of electromagnetic wave through the metallic slab is made possible by the presence of a static magnetic field inside the moving metallic slab, if the motion of the slab is opposite to the direction of propagation of the incident wave. The amplitude of the transferred wave is approximately 2v/c times the amplitude of the incidence wave, with v being the speed of motion and c the speed of light in vacuum. This amplitude is thus very small for non-relativistic speeds. The analytical results are validated by full-wave simulations based on the Finite Difference Time Domain method, where both reflected and transferred waves are demonstrated. Furthermore, numerical electric field and magnetic field distributions are presented at different time instants.
Mohammad Marvasti, and Halim Boutayeb, "Moving Metallic Slab Illuminated by a Plane Wave: Theory and Numerical Analysis Using the Finite Difference Time Domain Method," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 118, 25-35, 2023.

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