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Design and Analysis of a Compact 38 GHz Wideband Monopole Antenna for 5G mm -Wave Wireless Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 135, 83-94, 2023
In the current system of wireless communication, Users expect devices that are lightweight and offer broad bandwidth as well as a high data transmission rate. Developments in data speeds, bandwidth, ultra-low response times, excellent dependability, considerable accessibility and improved device-to-device connectivity are what have driven wireless systems toward 5G. These 5G wireless systems require small and efficient antenna designs. This work proposes a 5G mm-wave quadrilateral slotted defected ground structure (QSDGS) including a wideband monopole antenna (WMA) for n259 and n260 5G mm-wave bands. Here, the DGS was modelled using two quadrilateral slots on a ground plane. An inset feeding technique and multiple slots were employed to patch. This structure consists of a DGS-loaded slotted antenna patch mounted on a Rogers/RT Duriod 5880 (εr = 2.2, loss tangent = 0.0009) with dimensions of 12x11x0.9 mm3 (1.42λgx1.30λgx0.10λg). This embedded antenna radiating structure resonates from 35.5 GHz to 44.7 GHz, giving an impedance bandwidth of 9.2 GHz (24.2%), with a centre frequency of 38 GHz. 9.48 dB was the peak gain, and 83-94% efficiency was obtained over the wide band. Based on the extracted data from the proposed antenna, it was found that the antenna is capable of covering the 5G NR n259 and n260 with significant gain, bandwidth, and efficiency. Thus, the antenna has the ability to be considered a possible contender to be used in 5G wireless applications using mm-wave frequencies. A good agreement can be seen here between simulated and measured return losses.
Idrish Shaik, and Sahukara Krishna Veni, "Design and Analysis of a Compact 38 GHz Wideband Monopole Antenna for 5G mm -Wave Wireless Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 135, 83-94, 2023.

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