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Millimeter-Wave Channel Measurements for 5G Networks Using a Low Cost Experimental Setup
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 150, 169-177, 2024
This contribution presents the design and validation of a portable and low-cost experimental setup of a sounder for channel characterization at the millimeter wave band for 5G systems (Frequency Range 2 - FR2). Unlike the high cost application-specific equipment employed by many research groups, universities and telecommunication companies, which also requires adequate mounting and transport to and within the measurement sites, our channel sounder integrates several hardware and software components that result in a lightweight and convenient device for manual operation. Our device enables measurements at 26 GHz, a band earmarked for the upcoming deployment of 5G systems in the millimeter wave band in Colombia. We present channel measurements to validate the performance of the experimental setup and to assess the adherence to the predictions of the 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) TR (Technical Report) 38.901 standard propagation model, achieving favorable results.
Javier Enrique Arévalo Peña, Juan Sebastián Chávez Martinez, and Javier Leonardo Araque Quijano, "Millimeter-Wave Channel Measurements for 5G Networks Using a Low Cost Experimental Setup," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 150, 169-177, 2024.

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