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Stator Winding Interturn Short-Circuit Fault Detection in WRIM Using Rise and Fall Times of Stator Currents
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 147, 109-116, 2024
One of the major challenges of today's rotating machine manufacturing industries is finding effective techniques to prevent early mechanical or electrical failure. Efficient troubleshooting methods must be developed for rotating electrical machines, such as three-phase and multiphase electrical induction or synchronous machines. A novel method for fault detection in a Wound Rotor Induction Machine (WRIM) is presented in this paper. Its originality lies in the determination of current rise and fall times in healthy and InterTurn short-Circuit Fault (ITSCF) cases. The method is based on using the two-current (isd, isq) sigmoid transform (ST) of Park's vector approach. A WRIM with a nominal power of 0.3 kW is used for the analytical and experimental studies. The type of fault detection being studied is short circuit InterTurns on one phase of the stator winding. The results are promising because the methodology used is simple, fast, and accurate for diagnosing this type of fault, and can detect a low number of short-circuit InterTurns in the stator winding.
Habachi Bilal, Svetlana Dyagileva, Nicolas Heraud, Eric Jean Roy Sambatra, and Blaise Ravelo, "Stator Winding Interturn Short-Circuit Fault Detection in WRIM Using Rise and Fall Times of Stator Currents," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 147, 109-116, 2024.

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8. Husari, Fatimatelbatoul and Jeevanand Seshadrinath, "Early stator fault detection and condition identification in induction motor using novel deep network," IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3, No. 5, 809-818, Oct. 2022.

9. Attallah, Omneya, Rania A. Ibrahim, and Nahla E. Zakzouk, "Fault diagnosis for induction generator-based wind turbine using ensemble deep learning techniques," Energy Reports, Vol. 8, 12787-12798, Nov. 2022.

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11. Indiran, Raja Rajeswari and Albert Alexander Stonier, "Inter-turn short-circuit faults detection and monitoring of induction machines using WPT-fuzzy logic approach based on online condition," Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol. 32, No. 01, 2350001, 2023.

12. Saucedo-Dorantes, Juan Jose, Arturo Yosimar Jaen-Cuellar, Angel Perez-Cruz, and David Alejandro Elvira-Ortiz, "Detection of inter-turn short circuits in induction motors under the start-up transient by means of an empirical wavelet transform and self-organizing map," Machines, Vol. 11, No. 10, 958, Oct. 2023.

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