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SAR Target Recognition Based on Multi-View Differential Feature Fusion Network Under Small Sample Conditions
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 147, 135-144, 2024
Deep learning network has the advantages of strong learning ability, strong adaptability, and good portability. Therefore, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) automatic target recognition (ATR) based on deep network is widely used in both military and civilian fields. However, due to the imaging conditions, radar angle, imaging distance, and other reasons, it is difficult to obtain efficient and usable SAR image datasets. SAR images' recognition under small sample conditions is still a challenging problem. In this paper, a SAR target recognition method based on multi-view differential feature fusion network is proposed to address this problem. Considering the correspondence between RCS and target features, the network extracts dissimilarities between features from SAR images of different angles of the same target and fuses them with the original features of one angle to form new features, which enriches the available training data. Experimental results on the Moving and Stationary Target Acquisition and Recognition (MSTAR) public dataset show that the proposed method has a higher target recognition rate than other deep network methods, as well as single angle input recognition methods.
Yuxin Ma, Benyuan Lv, Jianfei Ren, Yun Guo, Jiacheng Ni, and Ying Luo, "SAR Target Recognition Based on Multi-View Differential Feature Fusion Network Under Small Sample Conditions," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 147, 135-144, 2024.

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