Vol. 147
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Design of a Reconfigurable Multi-Band Antenna with Partially Dredged Cloverleaf
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 147, 73-79, 2024
This paper presents a novel reconfigurable multi-band antenna with a partially dredged cloverleaf shape that is tailored for size reduction and suitable for compact devices and urban environments. The antenna is capable of covering three distinct frequency bands: 3.22-4.06 GHz, 4.44-6.12 GHz, and 3.8-4.77 GHz, with respective bandwidths of 22%, 31.8%, and 22.6%, demonstrating its wideband capabilities. Utilizing various feeding configurations, the antenna enables the realization of multiple radiation patterns and frequency tuning. Validated through simulations and measurements, this design shows promise for 5G and advanced communication systems.
Tao Tang, Jiawei Wang, Melad M. Olaimat, Tao Fang, and Xiexun Zhang, "Design of a Reconfigurable Multi-Band Antenna with Partially Dredged Cloverleaf," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 147, 73-79, 2024.

1. Tandel, Tejal and Samir Trapasiya, "Reconfigurable antenna for wireless communication: Recent developments, challenges and future," Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 133, No. 2, 725-768, 2023.

2. Subbaraj, Sangeetha and Shweta B. Thomas, "Reconfigurable antennas and their practical applications - A review," Radio Science, Vol. 58, No. 9, 1-13, 2023.

3. Hussain, Qasid, Domin Choi, Niamat Hussain, Anees Abbas, Md. Abu Sufian, and Nam Kim, "Design and improvement of a wideband angled dipole array antenna for S-band applications," 2023 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 1-3, Florence, Italy, 2023.

4. Joshi, Chetan, Anne Claire Lepage, Julien Sarrazin, and Xavier Begaud, "Size, gain and bandwidth trade-offs for wideband diamond dipole with AMC reflector," AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1715, No. 1, 020051, Mar. 2016.

5. Ramahatla, Kebonyethebe, Modisa Mosalaosi, Abid Yahya, and Bokamoso Basutli, "Multiband reconfigurable antennas for 5G wireless and CubeSat applications: A review," IEEE Access, Vol. 10, 40910-40931, 2022.

6. Ali, Tanweer, Sameena Pathan, and Rajashekhar C. Biradar, "Multiband, frequency reconfigurable, and metamaterial antennas design techniques: Present and future research directions," Internet Technology Letters, Vol. 1, No. 6, e19, 2018.

7. Ullah, Ubaid, Muath Al-Hasan, Slawomir Koziel, and Ismail Ben Mabrouk, "EM-driven size reduction and multi-criterial optimization of broadband circularly-polarized antennas using pareto front traversing and design extrapolation," Scientific Reports, Vol. 12, No. 1, 9877, 2022.

8. Pakkathillam, Jayaram Kizhekke and Malathi Kanagasabai, "Circularly polarized broadband antenna deploying fractal slot geometry," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 14, 1286-1289, 2015.

9. Jiao, Ziyi and Yutong Zhao, "Design of frequency and beam reconfigurable antenna based on encoded reflectors for Wi-Fi and IoT applications," AIP Advances, Vol. 14, No. 6, 065127, 2024.

10. Ali, Sayyed Arif, Mohammad Wajid, Ajay Kumar, and Muhammad Shah Alam, "Design challenges and possible solutions for 5G SIW MIMO and phased array antennas: A review," IEEE Access, Vol. 10, 88567-88594, 2022.

11. Wang, Heesu, Ahmed Ali, Yong Bae Park, and Ikmo Park, "A mode-compressed wideband dipole antenna integrated with solar cell for dual-functional operation," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 71, No. 12, 9932-9937, 2023.

12. Takeshore, Khumanthem, Sheilu Singh, Chandana Sairam, and Sukh Das Ahirwar, "Design of asymmetric wideband printed dipole antenna using inset feeding technique," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 96, 87-96, 2019.

13. You, Chang Jiang, Shu Han Liu, Jin Xi Zhang, Xi Wang, Qin Yu Li, Guang Qiang Yin, and Zhi Guo Wang, "Frequency- and pattern-reconfigurable antenna array with broadband tuning and wide scanning angles," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 71, No. 6, 5398-5403, 2023.

14. Hu, Jun, Xujun Yang, Lei Ge, Zijun Guo, Zhang-Cheng Hao, and Hang Wong, "A reconfigurable 1 × 4 circularly polarized patch array antenna with frequency, radiation pattern, and polarization agility," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 69, No. 8, 5124-5129, 2021.

15. Zhang, Yuwei, Shu Lin, Zhiqin Yang, Bingqing Li, Jingxuan Cui, and Jianlin Jiao, "A pattern- and frequency-reconfigurable antenna using liquid metal," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 63, No. 5, 1499-1506, 2021.