Vol. 16
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Electromagnetic Fields in a Circular Waveguide Containing Chiral Nihility Metamaterial
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 16, 85-93, 2011
Propagation of electromagnetic fields and power in a circular waveguide containing chiral nihility metamaterial is studied. Space inside the waveguide is divided into two circular regions. One region contains chiral nihility metamaterial while other region is of free space. Two cases of the waveguide, in this regard, are considered for analysis. For the case of perfect electric conductor (PEC) waveguide, there is no net electric field and power propagation in chiral nihility region of the guide whereas both fields and power exist in non-nihility region (which is free space in our cases) of the guide. For perfect electromagnetic conductor (PEMC) waveguide, both electric and magnetic fields exist in the chiral nihility and non-nihility regions.
Muhammad Abuzar Baqir, Aqeel Abbas Syed, and Qaisar Naqvi, "Electromagnetic Fields in a Circular Waveguide Containing Chiral Nihility Metamaterial," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 16, 85-93, 2011.

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