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Two Simple Analytical Models, Direct and Inverse, for Switched Reluctance Motors
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 29, 279-291, 2013
This paper presents two simple analytical models of the switched reluctance motor. The first model is constructed on two flux linkage-current characteristics, the aligned position one calculated via finite element analysis (FEA), and the unaligned position characteristic calculated by using motor geometry data. The second model is based on three flux linkage-current characteristics, the aligned, unaligned and average one, obtained by employing the FEA. In both cases the direct and inverse models are defined. The models consider the core nonlinearity and the influence of the rotor position on the motor behavior. The estimated magnetizing and torque characteristics are compared with that calculated via two dimensions FEA for a switched reluctance motor (SRM) sample and with the test bench obtained ones. The merits and the drawbacks of the models are evinced.
Liviu-Emilian Somesan, Emil Padurariu, and Ioan-Adrian Viorel, "Two Simple Analytical Models, Direct and Inverse, for Switched Reluctance Motors," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 29, 279-291, 2013.

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