Vol. 36
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Numerical Investigation on the Spectral Properties of One-Dimensional Triadic-Cantor Quasi-Periodic Structure
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 36, 1-7, 2014
We numerically investigate the optical spectra of a photonic band gap material realized by one-dimensional Triadic-Cantor quasi-periodic structure. The studied system is composed of two elementary layers H and L with refractive indices nL=1,45 (SiO2) and nH=2,3 (TiO2), respectively. Analytical calculations using a trace and antitrace maps approach have been used to find the reflection and transmission theoretical expressions in visible range under quarter wavelength condition. In our results we present the effect of iteration order of Triadic-Cantor sequence on the optical properties of these multilayer systems, namely the photonic band gap behavior and the optical windows presence, which makes this type of structures good candidates for interesting applications in the field of the nano-optical engineering.
Yassine Bouazzi, Osswa Soltani, Manel Romdhani, and Mounir Kanzari, "Numerical Investigation on the Spectral Properties of One-Dimensional Triadic-Cantor Quasi-Periodic Structure," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 36, 1-7, 2014.

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