Vol. 40
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Electromagnetic Modeling of Coupled Carbon Nanotube Dipole Antennas Based on Integral Equations System
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 40, 179-183, 2014
Fundamental properties of carbon nanotube antenna are firstly investigated to predict the antenna bundle response. The carbon nanotube effects are mathematically introduced via a quantum mechanical conductivity. This paper presents a new formulation based on integral equations system to study the coupled carbon nanotube antennas. The proposed integral equations system is numerically solved by the moments method. Each dipole antenna is excited at its center by a gap voltage source. The aim of the developed method is to investigate the antennas interaction effects for any coupling distance. The obtained input impedances, the current distributions and the antenna radiation patterns are in agreement with those obtained by the effective conductivity method or by the array factor method, according to the coupling distances.
Mourad Aidi, and Taoufik Aguili, "Electromagnetic Modeling of Coupled Carbon Nanotube Dipole Antennas Based on Integral Equations System," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 40, 179-183, 2014.

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