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Design and Measurement of a Novel Seamless Scanning Leaky Wave Antenna in Ridge Gap Waveguide Technology
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 58, 147-157, 2017
The design and measurement of a novel seamless scanning leaky wave antenna in ridge gap waveguide technology are presented. The impedance matching technique is employed to eliminate the open-stopband (OSB) effect which produces a discontinuity for a seamless scanning leaky wave antenna. Ridge gap waveguide proposed recently is used as the feed structure. The antenna radiates from longitudinal slots of which the leakage constant is designed small to ensure a high directivity. Subsequently, for simplicity, a transition from Ku-band standard waveguide port (WR62) to ridge gap waveguide is designed, which operates within Ku-band with S11 below -15dB. A prototype has been fabricated, and measurements support the simulations obtained by full-wave analysis. The proposed antenna bandwidth is from 12.5GHz to 17.4GHz while seamless scanning is achieved from backward to forward, particularly including broadside radiation. The scanning range is from -9° to 19° with an average gain of 18.3dB.
Xingchao Dong, Hongjian Wang, Fei Xue, and Yang Liu, "Design and Measurement of a Novel Seamless Scanning Leaky Wave Antenna in Ridge Gap Waveguide Technology," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 58, 147-157, 2017.

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