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Simultaneous TE and TM Surface Polaritons in a Bilayer Composed of a Single-Negative Materials
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 7, 179-192, 2009
We investigate the dispersion properties of both TE and TM surface polariton modes formed at the surfaces of a bilayer composed of a single-negative materials. The dispersion curves of surface polaritons modes is found to consist of two branches, and it is shown that TE and TM surface polaritons may have a simultaneous mode. The characteristics of TE and TM surface polaritons modes (the frequency, localization position, ...) are shown to depend on the relative thicknesses of two single-negative layers of the bilayer. We find that the TE and TM surface polariton modes propagate in the same directions along the interfaces of the bilayer in the most cases. Nevertheless, the TE and TM surface polariton modes may have opposite directions of propagation for appropriate thicknesses of two single-negative layers. This can be interesting especially in the case of simultaneous TE and TM surface polariton mode, for which the structure acts as a polarizing beam splitter.
Samad Roshan Entezar, "Simultaneous TE and TM Surface Polaritons in a Bilayer Composed of a Single-Negative Materials," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 7, 179-192, 2009.

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