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Nonuniform Circular Array Synthesis for Low Side Lobe Level Using Dynamic Invasive Weeds Optimization
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 111, 147-162, 2021
The use of invasive weeds optimization in the synthesis of antenna arrays has become popular in the last few years. This optimization method is robust, simple and can be easily improved. Like other stochastic algorithms, IWO suffers from premature convergence and other drawbacks. To overcome these problems, a dynamic IWO is proposed and used for synthesizing two antenna array topologies (linear and circular array). This proposed method tries to achieve an optimal array pattern by acting on the amplitude excitation of elements in the non-uniform circular array and their positions on the array to obtain an array pattern with deep nulls in some directions of interferences and low side lobe level. For the linear array, the nulls control can be achieved by acting on the relative amplitude excitation of each element in the array for an optimal inter-element spacing. This proposed method improves the performance greatly and allows to achieve a maximum reduction in side lobe level in band Nulls with an acceptable dynamic range ratio (DRR). To show the performance of the proposed method, for each topology, our results are compared to other results of the literature.
Elhadi Kenane, Fadila Benmeddour, and Farid Djahli, "Nonuniform Circular Array Synthesis for Low Side Lobe Level Using Dynamic Invasive Weeds Optimization," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 111, 147-162, 2021.

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